Sunday, July 29, 2007


Thought this was funny - saw it at a local cafe:

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello Again

It's been a while since I've last posted.

I've been working a lot. 10 hour days, five days a week, 2am to noon, and sleep is often short and shallow during the week. I think I will do one more week then scale back the hours, and look for a daytime job.

The council of Canadians chapter at the UofA is a go! We will hold a table at the club fair and hopefully get started with some exciting work in September or October!

It also looks as though I will be helping work on a web page for greenpeace Alberta, with a friend of mine - I can't wait! I am sure that I will learn tons, and make a bit of extra cash too.

Ali-kat's birthday was exciting, it has spanned a couple of weeks, really. We went out to Moose Lake for a weekend, resting on the beach, swimming and playing around in the water, reading, BBQing and staying in an old trailer of her parents. It was great - and really nice to spend some quality time together as seems so hard of late with work, especially with opposite schedules. We then went to see a Rufus Wainwright show as well ... what a great musician he is! We both really enjoyed the show ... at the end, as an encore, he dressed in drag and did the broadway thing ... it was great!

And the website for Polly Magoos now works with Safari, although there is still some CSS problems with Internet Explorer that I will have to work out ... damn Microsoft!!

more soon ...

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Another week, another paycheck. And more.

Aside from late-nite forklifting, I published my first website this week (today actually), am close to registering the UofA Chapter of the Council of Canadians and saw a great pop show the other night.

The website is and is for the store where Ali-kat is now managing. Eventually, we hope to get into on-line ordering, mailing lists, facebook etc.

The UofA Chapter I've already talked about, but I'm very excited about. I really feel like students have a lot to give to such an effort, especially when it comes to critical thought and research, which these organizations sometimes lack in. I really hope that we can take on the role of being the central research chapter of the Council, and hopefully take their campaigns to a new and highly informed level. Perhaps we can even set up a central research/publication database that is in some way accessible by all members.

Yes, and the band. A good friend of mine, Jeff McLeod, is playing in a great pop band called Jason Plumb and the willing. You should definitely check their website out ... they are amazing!!!

And I must soon start studying for the MCAT.