Tuesday, April 17, 2007

End of School

I haven't posted in a while, I know ... I've been studying studying studying like a good little science student.

I have a physics exam tomorrow, genetics and chemistry on Monday and then Biology next Thursday!! And then I'm done.

And this summer ... so many plans!

I can practice. Ali will teach me German while I teach her jazz theory. I will make a website, study Einstein's theory of relativity, study classical music theory (I found a ton of scores at the thrift shop for really cheap - $15 for a foot high stack) and just generally do whatever I want!! It will be fabulous.

Just a little worried about work ... I still haven't heard back about research so I'm applying to work industrially, or at a hotel or restaurant or something ...

1 comment:

Kate Nova said...

Frack Toronto, move to the Arctic and study ptarmigans!