Sunday, April 8, 2007

I've made a few changes around here...

Well, I've decided to take on a new look for my new life.
After Easter, it is time to really come out and express myself- to express who I am and what I love. To start wearing those colors I adore, like pink, purple, violet, know, NICE colors. My beautiful girlfriend has been giving me fashion advice, and I know that together we can make a great new wardrobe for me. So, I thought I'd post a photo for you all to admire:

ta ta for now dahlings!


Kate Nova said...

That's very pretty.

Joel said...

Those colors are manly. Pink is the colour of people's guts when you stab them, purple is the colour of veins, violet is the colour of bruising and fuschia is sort of blood like. Violence = manly therefore wearing violent colours makes you manly.

Kate Nova said...

Is sensitive colour analysis considered manly?

Joel said...

Sensitive, but not too sensitive.