Saturday, June 16, 2007


Ali-kat and I spent most of today helping a couple dispose of boxes and boxes of old books from their basement. We also just set up a bookcrossing shelf at Ali-kat's cafe.

Bookcrossing. It is a beautiful concept! You can look it up at . The basic idea is that you take books that you don't want anymore, register them online, and release them somewhere fun or somewhere convenient, for other people to find. When they find it, there is a registration number on the book and they log in on line, and, when they are finished with it, write a journal entry about the book. They then release the book again. You can watch as the book travels the world. It's great! It gets those old books that you keep for who knows what reason out into the world, out into new minds, and it saves the tree and pollution costs that are normally associated with buying a new book.

Beautiful ...

One box will go to the cafe and about 7 more will be donated to the University, either in support of HACUA (History and Classics Undergraduate Association) or be sent down to New Orleans to help rebuild libraries in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.

It was a good, positive day.


Kate Nova said...

I love it!

Joel said...

Ryan, I added your blog as an RSS feed. Pretty cool. Now your glorious globes of wisdom magically appear in my email.