Thursday, June 14, 2007


So I gave notice to my employer today. It was a one day notice. I was thinking of giving them one or two weeks, but that was before I went through my paycheck from last month. They rounded down every single day of work. This is to say that if I worked 9 hours and 59 minutes, they would pay me for 9 hours of work!! There was also no overtime pay, and originally, before I fought for it, they were paying me a lower wage then was agreed on.

My real concern, however, was safety. I have seen a vehicle with a cracked axle being driven. Many do not even have emergency brakes that work properly (or at all). One of the bobcats has bad hydraulics etc.

And they wouldn't take my spraying concerns seriously.

So, goodbye and goodluck finding good workers!!

1 comment:

Kate Nova said...

Yay you! Great move. You'll find way better employment elsewhere, without sacrificing your morals (or safety).