Sunday, May 6, 2007

Spiderman 3 and german

I watched Spiderman 3 yesterday: THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE!!! The first half was bearable, but the cheese factor approached infinity in the second half! It was awful! Spiderman in front of an american flag, a nice little, poorly done homage to godzilla, and lots of really bad acting and non-sensically shortened plotlines. If you want to see it, don't ...

I did however, have a great walk with Ali and had my first lesson in German! I learnt the alphabet and a few nouns like dog, tree, light ... I half forget them now, but I'm having fun!


Joel said...

Listen dude, you are going to have to lighten up about this one. Here's the thing, when we were kids we read Spiderman and he blew our minds. Now that we're older and smarter, Spiderman no longer astounds us the way it used to, neither do the movies and we resent it. Think of watching that movie through 11 year old Ryan eyes...

Bodhisaxva said...

No, I totally get you, but I'm guessing you haven't seen the 3rd movie yet. I really liked the first two .... but the third is brutal, no time is spent on venom, who really, let's face it, is the ultimate villian, and it's just a really poorly crafted video. The first two were cheesy, but they worked, this one did not. The screenwriter seemed to be a sensationalist american who thrived on weak and laughable tributes to the hollywood tradition.

But that's just my opinion ... I love spiderman, I guess that's why I got so worked up, otherwise, I probably wouldn't care.

Joel said...

I guess I shouldn't admit to going to see the premier at 12:00AM in the morning then! Rest assured I booed allowed when I saw the America flag.

Nietzsche's Girl said...

you booed allowed eh?
As in, you were given permission to boo?

tighten up joelly-boy!

Joel said...

It was a quick comedy boo. Like "boo! ", rather than "boooooooo". The "boo!" is an autonomous reaction whenever I see propaganda of any kind.

Nietzsche's Girl said...

Autonomous my ass, it doesn't matter how long the boo is, if it's allowed, it's no longer a reaction, but a conditioned, permissible response.

Now, if it was ALOUD, that would be a whole different story ;)

(I'm just poking fun Joel)